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The WAI CRE Pulse

Where Analysis Informs Commercial Real Estate

Bucks Co. Brawl December 2024 Edition: 19020 vs 18917
location intelligence Kate Wai location intelligence Kate Wai

Bucks Co. Brawl December 2024 Edition: 19020 vs 18917

In December 2024, the highly anticipated Bucks County Brawl provided an in-depth and detailed comparison of the distinct zip codes 19020 and 18917. This informative post summarizes the key results derived from a comprehensive year of Placer.AI visitation data specifically for these two areas. It highlights significant trends and patterns that can greatly aid local stakeholders in making more informed and strategic decisions based on the insightful findings presented.

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Montco Metrics Matchup December 2024 Edition: 19464 vs 19453
location intelligence Kate Wai location intelligence Kate Wai

Montco Metrics Matchup December 2024 Edition: 19464 vs 19453

In December 2024, the Montco Metrics Matchup presented an insightful and comprehensive comparison between the two notable zip codes, 19464 and 19453. This post aims to summarize the significant results and findings gathered from the past 12 complete months of Placer.AI visitation data for these specific zip codes. By doing so, it effectively sheds light on various trends and patterns that have emerged during this important period, which could be invaluable for stakeholders and investors in the area looking to make informed decisions based on real data.

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